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A strategic approach to you and your goals.


When swimming in the ocean, one is but a spec, skimming the top of the deep blue world below.

You are a part of something far bigger than yourself. If you are lucky, the ocean will allow you to experience its vast beauty that brings so many of us back to swim again and again.


The power of the ocean makes us feel vulnerable, however the more time we spend swimming in the open water, the more confident and comfortable we will become. Each open water swim gives you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of its conditions, allowing you to relax and enjoy the experience. Before you know it, you will want to spend more time in the ocean, and possibly be interested in taking part in your very own marathon swim.

When you take on long distance swimming, the ocean becomes your partner in creating success. The ocean must be respected, and as a serious open water swimmer you need to understand your own limitations. 

Over time, a bond is built between your mental and physical being and the open waters you swim in — most would describe this bond as spiritual and peaceful.

Ultimately, my job is to work collaboratively with you — we are a team.

Together we will set attainable, yet challenging goals. One of these goals is to create a unique training schedule with the tools to help guide you through any anxiety you might feel in the open water. I will help you gain a better understanding of ocean conditions, and assist you in experiencing the bliss and awe that so many of us love when swimming in the ocean.


I am uniquely qualified to offer the kind of comprehensive and personalized training that any level of swimmer may need to begin their open water swimming goals.


My extensive swim experience and accomplishments in marathon swimming have taught me how to be calm under pressure, to be patient, and to assess the elements.

The ocean is constantly changing, and it is critical that we are alert and ready to adapt. I am committed to teaching you how to feel the difference between correct and incorrect form, how to navigate the ocean's conditions, and how to apply correct swim techniques to safely maneuver through a variety of scenarios.

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